
Friday, December 5, 2008

Finally - the weekend!

I love the holidays, but I feel like I am going non-stop most of the time! I am so very glad it's the weekend, and there is no wrestling! Christian is happy to not have to be up at 5:00 and at school at 6:00 for the bus.... Heck, I am happy not to have to be up at 5:00 dragging a tired kid out of bed to get to school and catch the bus!

Alas, we have lots to do tomorrow. The Christmas lights are still in boxes next to the front door to be hung around the front of the house. We got rope lights to go around the adobe planters in the front yard and the old school big lights to go on the house. I hope we have enough! I have a couple of strings of blue icicle lights that we might put somewhere - don't know where yet... I'd like to go back to the store and get green rope lights and do the trunks of the palm trees. It would be really cool to do the branches, but I don't think I can talk anyone into getting on the ladder to do that... I'm not a big fan of being up on a ladder, so if it's up to me, it's not getting done.

And two more weeks of work then vacation! I am so ready for a break and I'm looking forward to seeing the family. I never look forward to the drive with the baby, but I'm hoping for the best. We haven't done a long car trip for a while, so I hope she'll handle it pretty well. She's doesn't love the car seat after she's had to be in it for a while. It might take a lot longer than 6 hours to get to San Diego - yikes!

Ah yes - the weekend. It's here, but I have a feeling it's going to go by way too fast!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Spencer at a birthday party

Spencer went to her friend's 2nd birthday party last weekend where she rode a pony and ate a cupcake. All in all, it was a good day!

Family Site

Woo hoo - finally got it done!!

Check it out!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Changes, again.

OK, I decided not to go with the editing site. I always have so many things going on at once! So I still have the domain if I ever want to use it at another time, but for now, I will just concentrate on keeping my blog updated. I'm not very good about it (yet). So I am looking for a place to get a domain and hosting for cheap so I can have a whole family website where I can link all my online stuff and all Howard's online stuff and the kids' stuff together so that everyone can get updates on "The Clovis Bunch" in one place. I also want to be able to have my professional stuff listed, too. So I will continue the search for that and let everyone know when I get it done. With such a big family, I think it's good when they can just check in every so often at their convenience - we're all so busy! So for now, here I am, blogging with not a whole lot to say :)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Editing website

I registered my editing website on yahoo! I'm designing it, trying to get the basic information on there to start with. There are some OK templates, but I'd like to learn how to design my own site. Maybe I can get Christian to help me - I'm sure he can learn HTML in no time at all :)

Check out the first version here:

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I want to blog, I start blogging, I stop blogging, I start a new blog.... Here is the newest incarnation of my fascination with blogging... I am always awestruck by people who keep regular blogs, those who actually update them and write silly, fun, witty posts and have people actually read them! Wow! So I am going to give it a shot - I am going to blog!