
Friday, April 29, 2011

Getting Older

April is the month of birthdays for our family.  Mom, my three brothers, and I all have our birthdays in April (plus countless friends) - it's a great month. 

Mom's birthday starts the month, and every year it makes me re-evaluate what a person's age means.  She is still working full-time, on her feet most of the day.  Will I be able to do that when I'm her age?  Will I still be as strong as she is?  Will I look younger than I am, like she does?

Brother #2 has the next birthday.  We're 5 years apart, but it seems much closer.  Every year, I can't believe he's THAT age!  He and his wife just had a baby last year - there's something about a new baby that makes a parent seem younger.

I'm the next birthday.  My own birthday doesn't usually bother me, though I have to admit that when I turned 26, it was a tough day.  10 years later, my own birthday didn't bother me (I'll re-evaluate in 4 years).  It was just another birthday.

3 days after my birthday is Brother #3.  This is the birthday that makes me feel older every year.  My brother is the baby of the family.  It doesn't matter that I'm next to last - when the baby gets older, I feel it.

And, rounding out the April birthdays is Brother #1, the eldest child.  He's turning 50 this year, and I'm still in shock.  I have no idea how HE feels about his big day, but I can't believe I have a sibling who will have a 5 in the 10s digit of his age...  Sister #2 will be joining the 50 club next year, so it's only getting closer for me.  I have a ways to go until I get there, so I take comfort in the fact that my siblings have aged very well!

April brings about a more contemplative me.  I wonder what my life will be like as I get older, but what I've learned so far is that I don't change much every year, other than a few more wrinkles and a couple of stray white hairs (only a few!).  I'll still be me when I'm 50, perhaps just wiser?  One can hope.      

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