
Monday, July 9, 2012

P90X Day One Recap

Yesterday was Day One of P90X - click here to read more details and see the pictures of lunch and dinner (yum!).

Very successful day yesterday!  I ate everything I was supposed to eat, drank a protein shake for the first time ever, and worked my back and chest - wow!  I felt awesome bar some soreness, but that's to be expected.

I woke up today sore in the neck and shoulders from yesterday's workout, but I knew I would. Advil is my friend right now. I also didn't sleep very well - I got up 3 times I think to use the bathroom and was restless a lot of the night. I don't know if that's because of my workout and getting used to it or something else, but I hope I sleep soundly tonight!

Workout: Chest and Back
Lots of pull ups and push ups in this workout.  I modify both, since I don't have the upper body strength yet.  For the push ups, I use an exercise ball to lie on.  I roll on the ball until my hips are resting on the pall (ok, like the whole pelvic region is ON the ball).  My legs are straight out behind me, so it's like a decline push up, but I'm supported in the middle of my body.  I can adjust my hands for standard, military, wide, and diamond push ups and still get a great upper body workout without having to support my entire body weight on my arms.  For the diamonds, I have to roll the ball under my stomach and have my hands about 4 inches apart, but hey, it was Day One - I'll get stronger!

For the pull ups, I squat on a chair and extend my arms completely,  When I pull up, I'm able to keep my feet on the chair, which allows me to only pull as much of my body weight as I can - I try not to let my legs do any pushing, so I can strengthen my arms.  The reverse grip chin-ups are the hardest, and I am only able to get about 1/2 way up.  The other pull ups are OK - I can pull myself up from the squat position about 3 times right now. 

My gear: mat, yoga blocks, pull up bar, resistance band, weights, shoes, water, and P90X!

Eating: P90X and Weight Watchers
Just after a day on this plan and knowing that I can still track everything I eat use the Points Plus plan from Weight Watchers, I feel really comfortable with being able to continue eating this way.  The first month is low carb (there are SOME carbs - I eat brown rice), so I'm mainly eating protein and fruits and vegetables.  I eat every 3 hours, so I'm never hungry (well, except this morning when I woke up ravenous), and every time I eat, I have protein.  Lots and lots and lots of protein.  Did you see those pictures yesterday, by the way?

If you want to see what I'm eating and how this works with WW - click here!

So I'm drinking my protein shake right now (seriously, it's good) and recovering from my workout and planning out my day.  I was planning to get up and work out right at 6, but I was so hungry that I realized I will definitely need to eat before I work out.  This is my new plan for most days of the week (weekends, especially Sunday when I weigh in at WW will be slightly different):

7:00 AM -- Breakfast, plan lunch and dinner
9:00 AM -- Workout
10:00 AM -- Protein shake, blog about previous day
11:00 AM -- Swim (more like float)
1:00 PM -- Lunch, work
4:00 PM -- Snack, work
7:00 PM -- Dinner, play time with the munchkin
9:30 PM -- Snack, TV time
10:30 PM -- Bed, read

Now that I put it out there, it seems so regimented, and it kind of is, but I know there is flexibility.

Anyone else working out?  What are you doing?  What works for you?  I'd love to hear about it!