
Saturday, July 28, 2012

P90X - Days 18, 19, and 20 Recap

I've really loosened up this week as far as eating is concerned.  I haven't totally gotten off track, but I'm not quite as strict as I should be.  I have been eating carbs, but I am still keeping them a small part of my overall plan.  I'm still thinking about the changes I'm making in the workouts.  I was discouraged a little when I decided to stop some of the P90X workouts, but I was reminded by my best friend that I have to do only what I can do right now.  I will get stronger, and the workouts will come in time.  I knew that, but I was very glad to have someone remind me of how much progress I have made in just a few weeks.

Workouts: Walk Away the Pounds 4 Miles and Legs & Back
Day 18 was WATP.  This is a 4-mile walk (a 15-minute mile pace) and since I had been doing so much walking, I was able to just jump right into this workout.  It's not just walking for an hour - there are side steps, knee lifts, kicks and kickbacks, and arm movements.  It works out everything - arms, legs, waist, and abs.  I love it!

Day 19 was Legs & Back.  I am still rethinking whether I will continue this workout in Month Two.  So many of the leg moves are not comfortable on the knees.  I'm having to modify them so much, I almost feel like there's no benefit.  I'm sure I'm working out something, but I hate this feeling.  Next week is a different set of workouts, so I won't do this one again for two weeks.  I'll see how it goes then. 
Day 20 was WATP.  I had a workout buddy!  My best friend was in town visiting and I made her work out with me.  She actually liked it!  I gave her my set of WATP DVDs with the 1-, 2-, and 3- mile walks so she can start her own workout program.  I'm excited to see how she does with it. 
Eating: P90X and Weight Watchers
I did okay on Day 18, staying within my points but not eating enough fruit and vegetables.  Day 19 was also okay, but we grabbed grilled cheese sandwiches from a great local place (Grilled Chz), but when I counted all the points (which I didn't do until the next day - not good), I was really glad I hadn't eaten anything the rest of the day.  Day 20 was not a good day if you're just looking at total points.  I went over by 55 points - 55!  I don't know that I have ever gone over by that much before in my history of going to Weight Watchers.  OMG.  I am still kind of shocked that two margaritas equal my daily points.

I don't drink much or often.  When I'm with my best friend, we have a tradition, though.  We get two drinks and we spend hours talking.  That's what we did.  We went to Red Robin and ordered our margaritas and I was good and ordered a salad - no tortilla strips on top and dressing on the side, of course.  Those two things saved me a ton of points.  And I have to say that Red Robin's customizable nutrition guide (link is on the right side f page) is AWESOME - you pick a menu item and then customize how they prepare it for you and calculate it.  Very very cool to be able to really see the difference between the original salad and the choices I made instead.  I also ate a couple of incredible whole wheat oatmeal raisin cookies from Barefoot Bread.  I estimated them at 5 points each, but I need to find out the nutrition information to get a solid number.  
Here's what I've been eating:
I should take a second to say that I am not at all discouraged by yesterday's major points overage.  I don't see my friend very often, so the margaritas aren't a usual occurrence.  I haven't been eating out in the past few weeks, so that's not a usual occurrence either.  I got Barefoot Bread as a treat so my friend could take some home with her since she doesn't live in the area, but I don't usually keep bread and cookies around either.  Yesterday was a special day.  I still made good choices overall, but I indulged in some treats that I don't have often, and that's okay.  That's part of life - it's not sustainable to be so strict all the time.  I am going to still want a cookie every now and then.  I'll just make sure it's a high quality, homemade cookie!  And next time, I'll probably just have one margarita!

Do you let your off days get you off track or are you able to pick right up and get back on track?

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