
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

P90X Day Three Recap

Yesterday was Day Three of P90X - my favorite workout so far!
Workout: Shoulders & Arms
Awesome!  It's been a long time since I've worked out, so I figured I would start with my itty bitty 2-lb weights just to see where I am right now.  I want lean muscle not bulk, so I should be doing 12-15 reps with a weight that's heavy enough that the last couple reps take more effort.  What I found is that for most of the exercises, 2 lbs is OK, but I can probably go up to 3 lbs for now.  There are several exercises that 2 lbs was nothing, so on the second set, I used 5 lb weights.  Apparently my biceps are still strong, but I need a lot of work on the triceps!  After a couple weeks, I should be doing 5-lb weights for most of the exercises and 8 lbs for the others.  Here's to having some rockin' arms once again!

My protein bar - it's actually tasty!

Eating: P90X and Weight Watchers
I feel like I'm always thinking about food.  Always.  And I feel like I'm eating SO MUCH food!  I'm already feeling a little tied down to the nutrition plan - it was good to get me started, but it's time to branch out a little.  WW has some great recipes that I can incorporate without getting off track.  Two of my favorites are an Asian chicken salad and feta-stuffed chicken breasts.  Another recipe I really like is roasted garlic-rubbed sirloin.  I was planning to make it last night, but my sirloin had gone bad (before the date dammit), so I made pork tenderloin.  The one I bought was seasoned and I really didn't like it.  I tried to mask the flavor by covering the pork and rice with my vegetable soup (the veggies and only some of the broth), but it really wasn't that good.  I might try an unseasoned one, but not for a while.

A note on protein bars: I had eaten protein bars before.  They're thick nasty bars that taste nothing like they're supposed to, so I was pleasantly surprised when this one turned out to be really good.  Granted, it is the only I've tried, but I could totally eat the whole thing and feel like I had a treat.  For those who don't know, I have a chocolate allergy, so I stay away from anything with cocoa, which means I'm limited on protein bars (this is me in the store: "Are there any without any freaking chocolate?!?!?!?!"), but as long as there is peanut butter, I'm a happy girl.  And on a side note, I got about 30 bars for under $1 each by using coupons during a sale - oh yeah!
To see what I ate yesterday - click here!

I want to hear about your favorite workouts!

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