
Thursday, July 19, 2012

P90X - Days Ten & Eleven Recap

The last two days have been challenging.  On Tuesday (Day Ten), I felt hungry all day, even right after I ate.  I ate lunch late and then while I was making dinner for myself, I ate a slice of the pizza I made for the kids.  It totally wasn't worth the points.  I ended up using all of my remaining activity points and one weekly point, which I had hoped not to do. 

Yesterday was challenging because I wasn't prepared.  I hadn't finished laundry, so I had no workout clothes, which threw my schedule off.  That actually wasn't too bad.  I didn't technically eat "lunch" but I still went over my points when I ate a second protein bar at the end of the day.  I stuck to the plan, but my motivation was off (see below) and I didn't drink my water.  I had one serving the whole day and I'm feeling it today.

Workouts: Shoulders & Arms and Yoga X
Day Ten was Shoulders & Arms - my favorite!  I moved to 5-lb weights for all the exercises to see if I could do it.  For triceps, that's enough.  For the shoulder moves, it's enough.  But my biceps want more - I'm going to move up next week.  The progress I've made is amazing!

Yoga X - not my favorite.  Not my second or third or fourth or fifth or sixth favorite.   It is my anti-favorite.  I got on the Beachbody message boards to ask about substituting and a woman told me to skip to the second half where it's focused on balance poses.  Good - I can do balance poses.  Next week, I try again and hope it goes better.

Eating: P90X and Weight Watchers
This is going OK.  My motivation to stay on plan is flagging a little bit.  Even though I'm trying new recipes (quinoa!), I'm finding it difficult to be in the kitchen all the time.  And the number of dishes is crazy.  If I'm not cooking, I'm doing dishes.  And I'm thinking ahead to next month when the semester starts and I'm teaching again.  I'm only teaching one class, but it's right in the middle of the day two days a week.  When will I eat?  When will I do my workouts on those days?  What about when I'm grading? 

I guess I need to focus on now, and just do what I need to do now.  And I need to streamline my processes - cut up fruit ahead of time so it's ready and things like that.  I know I can do this.  As I sit here, eating another egg white omelette, though, I'm feeling like I can't eat another egg or I'll scream.  It might be time to add in a little more carbs to my day to fuel these workouts. 

Here's what I've been eating - Day Ten and Day Eleven

Do you drink enough water every day?  Do you find it difficult to get it all in?

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